Saturday, September 27, 2008

Today has been a day of travels and journey's. Because I can't seem to journal or reflect on my own, I am committing to Blogging and taking a picture every day for the next year, and then reflecting on those.
I think It will be a time of growth and expression. Thanks for coming along for the ride : ]

This is a picture I took getting off of I-4 going home. I have been hearing a lot about Community since I got home from TWLOHA. Its been almost funny how much I've heard about it. I got to do a lot of reflecting on the way to and from Tampa.

First, Family is Important, no matter what, and my family is pretty rad. Took Flowers to my sister today and everybody was like "aww that is so sweet!!" and the whole time I was thinking "Do you live with goons?? its really not that big of a deal!" but on the way home I realized not everyone has a family like mine.
I went thrifting today (How I miss Nada!) and I picked up the book "Where The Heart Is" by Billie Letts. It reminded me of Switchfoot's "This is Home" and MGMT's "Time to Pretend" While I am excited to be getting out on my own soon, I am still looking for my "home" Yet once I do move out on my own, there will be things about home that I will miss greatly. While it may not be picture perfect, I am glad to be back in Polk. I miss Cocoa, or rather what I thought Cocoa was.

The second thing I realized today, as much as she frustrates me, or annoys me, I still need my mom. Don't get me wrong, I still want to do things on my own, but she is a wise woman, and I hope that I can learn to appreciate her fully.

Lastly, I saw a tremendous example of Love and Patience tonight. (I have been attending Roots Community Church, and let me tell you, it is AMAZING! Contact me for time and directions!)

Jesse (The Pastor) showed tremendous Love and patience tonight. There was a very broken woman in attendance tonight, and how Jesse kept his cool was truly a God thing. I hope the woman gets the peace she needs. It is a true community church.

Tonight has been a true lesson in Community.

Community is there in the Good and Bad, and community is never ending, but make sure your Community is there to back you up, make sure those in your community are telling you more than words.

1 comment:

Jesse Carbo is what they call me. said...

Hey Charlsey, Thanks for the compliment. It's funny, because we haven't really been pushing to invite new people yet, and so when a new person comes I know that it's God who is bringing them for a reason. Tonight Karen and Richard came to my home for showers. They are living in their van for right now because they were just evicted. Pray for them. They will be back next Saturday. Hey, by the you have an email?