Its been rolling around my head, and therefore bothering me quite a bit lately on what I actually believe about God and Jesus as well as faith in of itself. Or any faith for that matter. Reading velvet Elvis has encouraged me to ask hard questions, there is nothing wrong with asking! I don't Want to believe because I'm "supposed to" I want passionate faith and I'm trying to figure out how to at least get started. I figured this would be an interesting way to see what others believe in, lol and see a good mix of what ppl around me believe. These questions are meant for believers and non believers, and as what God does for you, and how he impacts you. Individually.
i don't really understand God, nor do I think I ever will, and that whole trinity thing throws me off, so let's pretend that Jesus and God are 2 separate ppl but can hear each others thoughts. Always knowing what is going on with the other.
I'm going to answer these questions as well, and tag some ppl when I have internet access again. Until then its just me and the blackberry.
Let's get started:
Why do you believe in God?
Who is God?
Why do you believe in Jesus?
Who is Jesus?
What is god's character?
What is jesus' character?
If you had to assign God a physical body as someone in pop culture, who would it be ?
If you had to assign Jesus a physical body as someone in pop culture, who would it be ?
What do you think of this quote "but God doesn't need to tell us what to do at each fork in the road. He already revealed his plan in our lives: to love him with our whole hearts. To obey his word, and after that to do what we like"?
What exactly do you think of the do what we like part?
What does it mean to love God with your whole heart?
How do you love God with your whole heart?
If you could give up one day of life to spend an hour with some one that died, who would it be? What would you do?
Do you take the bible literally?
How do you decide what part is applicable and what isn't?
How is this not picking what you like and throwing out what you don't?
Do you ever feel like not praying when you feel stuck?
What do you do instead?
When do you seem to struggle in faith?
How do you overcome it?
Is God always the answer?
What if sometimes God isn't the answer?
What verses, books, quotes have helped you develop tie faith?
Are faith and passion the same thing?
When you imagined the voice of God, whose/whom voice do you imagine?
When you imagined the voice of Jesus, whose/whom voice do you imagine?
How do you get to know God?
How did you get to know God?
Did you "look into" any other religions other than the one you are currently in now?
Who is more important God or Jesus? Why? You can only pick one!
Is one more important?
What is heaven like?
Do you think we all get our own like customized heaven?
What would yours be like?
What is hell like?
Do you think hell would be customized?
What would yours be like?
What do you think about God having a plan for your life?
Do you feel like he will give you turn by turn directions?
If you could ask God anything and he would give you a the correct answer, what would it be and why?
Why do some people not feel gods presence?
Do you think that feeling disconnected from God is always our fault? Is God ever to blame?
If you don't believe in God what do you believe?
What do you use as your morality meter? Ie ten commandments, karma, etc.
Who/ how do you see God ?
Who or how do you see Jesus?
Do you think its possible to believe in an all loving Jesus, but a hands off God?
What do you think is a necessity in faith? Ie what do you HAVE TO believe?
That's all I have for now, this will be a growing list